Start of the School Year... again?
Well, hello there! Welcome welcome, if you find yourself back to this blog. Remember how last post, I mentioned blogging every Friday? Is it okay if that Friday post is approximately 60 weeks late? I hope so! Of course, a lot has happened in the last 60 weeks. I'm not sure I can write about all the things that happened in those 60 weeks. A lot of great things, and some not so great things, but the great things outweigh the bad... I think. Gillam I have left Gillam and started a new position in Winnipeg. I felt (and still feel) bittersweet about leaving Gillam. When I think about Gillam I am often tempted to cry! I made wonderful friends and had such wonderful students. I applied for MusiCounts Band Aid Grant, and we won !! With $10,000 I was able to buy a class set of tubanos, and 15 steel pan drums. We received the instruments in late May, and you bet I spent that last month really soaking up my time with the new equipment. T...