
Showing posts from March, 2020

Prepping for No Students

Hi readers! It has been a few weeks. I didn't mind having a small holiday from blogging. I really didn't do a ton - moved to my new apartment in Morden for my student teaching placement, and started student teaching. Almost as quickly as I started teaching, we were told that schools will be closing for preventing the spread of COVID-19. Needless to say, it's been a stressful few days trying to sort out what is going on with placement and with my upcoming job in Gillam. Thankfully, we have more than enough things to do while the students are away. My cooperating teacher has been excited to have the extra set of hands in making an escape room activity for the students, so that will be one thing we're working on, among other things. I'm hoping to get a lot of my specific planning done for my job in Gillam, now that I know my schedule. What do we do in the next couple days, is the bigger problem. My cooperating teacher and I have been brainstorming, trying to find...

Post-#I4Ed Post

We just finished up our last class of Internet for Educators at Brandon University. I guess it's time to update the 'About' page. I figured, with the time I should be in #I4Ed, I'll write a blog post to discuss my reflective thoughts on not only this course, but also my time in the Faculty of Education. I'll save the School of Music for another day. Faculty of Education Being an integrated B.Mus/B.Ed student was an interesting experience. Because there are always constantly scheduling conflicts between the School of Music and the Faculty of Education, I take my required education courses whenever I can, in whatever stream I can - doesn't matter if the course is for early, middle, or senior years. Just fit it in there! Because of the mixture of courses, I don't really have a "cohort" in the Faculty of Education. There were some familiar faces in #I4Ed but many of them were new! And of course, no other music education students, so I stuck to m...

Final Project

I'm so glad I took the time after class to really edit my Final Project the way I wanted it to be. I figured, I had a rough version available if needed to present to the class today (i.e. everyone else had gone already) so I could  present if need be, but I really didn't want to. I learned the video editing program I had didn't allow me to edit the video the way I wanted - adding extra audio over the video files. So, after downloading a few too many video editing apps, HERE WE ARE! So yes, while technically late, this is a version of my final project that I am really happy with. I never used TikTok before making this, but I admit I really liked using it. It was fun to be creative! Thanks for reading.....and watching!